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and lead to new ideas.

conversations that motivate

I lead partnership

As a solution-focused coach

Kurt J. Kamber, Basel

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You know more

than you are aware of.

you discover yourself.

concerns are the ones

The best solutions for your

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As a solution-focused coach

I lead partnership

conversations that motivate

and lead to new ideas.

Kurt J. Kamber, Basel

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The best solutions for

your concerns are the ones

you discover yourself.

You know more

than you are aware of.


Kurt J. Kamber

Dr. phil. nat., Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC)


Experienced & Independent


  • Systemic Solution-Focused Coach – since March 2019
    ICF Certificate Level 1 Program, coaching experience 260+ hours
  • 16 years – Consultant & Adviser for Professors, Research Group Leaders and Researchers in Northwestern Switzerland (European Research & Innovation Programmes)
    Head of Unit, Vice Rectorate for Research, University of Basel
  • 4 years – PhD in Climate Research and DAS in Environmental Sciences
  • 12 years – Project Manager in renowned consulting engineering Companies
  • Many man-years – voluntary work
  • Married, father of two adult children

Detailed information: My LinkedIn Profile

My minute video The future begins … now!



Already after a few sessions, you – the coachee – have achieved a great deal of what is needed for further development and to reach your goals independently.

Your coach will treat you with respect and appreciation, does not judge and does not give advice, focuses awareness, uses creativity techniques and acts (in a metaphorical sense) like a catalyst.

The conversation will of course be treated confidentially in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics.

Below, a short description of a solution-focused Brief Coaching session – from my own personal perspective:

The prerequisite is of course that you – as a coachee – have a concern that you want to tackle. This can be, for example:

  • a difficult or challenging situation,
  • a longer-term issue that moves you and is frequently on your mind,
  • or a personal goal that you want to work out through reflection.

You can prepare yourself for the session a little, because the initial question will be something like:

«What should happen in this session, so it would be worth it for you?»

Your coach, a man or a woman, will ask you many questions, listen very well, think, empathize, ask again and provide well-founded, appreciative feedback.

The coaching conversation, which also has playful and creative aspects, will deal with the present and above all with the desired future.

An important tool is developing a wide variety of changes in perspectives, which soon leads to small variations in behavior. These are perceptible not only for you, but also for your others in your social world, thereby leading to further changes.

Your coach assumes that you are the expert on yourself and that you have many resources and abilities that you can use. It is often the case that these have been neglected or forgotten and can be reactivated through coaching.

Your coach will also practise an art of non-knowledge and, so giving you neither advice nor instructions, because what you have discovered or worked out yourself is the best way to actually reach your goals.

The discovery of solutions is a central and at the same time exciting task, because we usually don’t find solutions with the same thought patterns that have led to the problem. In conversations, this shows in statements such as:

  • Just now, I realize that …
  • I’m really surprised – I’ve never thought about that …
  • I do not understand why I was disoriented – it’s really clear to me now …

We call them eye-openers or simply openers.

One reason for the effectiveness of Brief Coaching is that the expert conversation – through newly learned and self-reinforcing effects – produces lasting impact.

Of course, the art of solution-focused Brief Coaching contains many more interesting aspects – you are welcome to discover them yourself in your personal setting.

Coaching cannot replace therapeutic treatment and is therefore not suitable for people who are in a psychologically unstable phase.

I am happy to provide information on this question, free of charge.

Simply send an SMS with the text «Short talk» to 079 640 70 03. I will call you as soon as possible.

  • Brief Coaching. A Solution Focused Approach. Chris Iveson, Evan George, Harvey Ratner. 2012
  • Coaching – erfrischend einfach. Einführung ins lösungsorientierte Kurzzeitcoaching. Daniel Meier, Peter Szabo. 2008
  • Kurz(zeit)coaching mit Langzeitwirkung. Peter Szabó und Insoo Kim Berg. 2006


  • Gewaltfreie Kommunikation – Eine Sprache des Lebens. Marshall B. Rosenberg. 2001 / 12. Auflage 2016


  • How to solve it. A new aspect of mathematical method. George Polya. 1945 [This work of classic heuristics deals with the teaching and characterization of problem-solving strategies]




Brief Coaching

Tariffs for private individuals – self-declaration in conversation


Basic Quotation

  • 1st Session: Fr. 40.–
  • Following Sessions: Fr. 60.–


Double Quotation

  • 1st Session: Fr. 80.–
  • Following Sessions: Fr. 120.–


Triple Quotation

  • 1st Session: Fr. 120.–
  • Following Sessions: Fr. 180.–


Book your Coaching Session online

«Coaching – something for me?» I am happy to provide information on this question, free of charge. Simply send an SMS with the text «Short talk» to 079 640 70 03. I will call you as soon as possible.


Just a few clicks to the coaching appointment. Please consider:

  • A session lasts 60 to 90 minutes.
  • It usually takes place in my meeting room. On request, the session can also be carried out in other rooms, as outdoor coaching or by telephone/video.
  • You will receive a booking confirmation by e-mail and – prior to the session – a friendly reminder by e-mail and SMS.
  • A session can be postponed or cancelled online up to three days before the appointment (via the link in the booking confirmation).

I’m looking forward to our coaching conversation!


News & Links


Kamber Coaching & Consulting

Office Address

Klybeck-Areal, Building K-104, Room 1.18, Kleinhünigerstr. 1, Basel

Mail Address

Dr. Kurt J. Kamber, Ruchholzstr. 41, 4103 Bottmingen

E-Mail Address

Mobile Phone


Kurt J. Kamber

Dr. phil. nat., Member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF)
Member of the European Mentoring and Coaching Council (EMCC)


Experienced & Independent


  • Systemic Solution-Focused Coach – since March 2019
    ICF Certificate Level 1 Program, coaching experience 260+ hours
  • 16 years – Consultant & Adviser for Professors, Research Group Leaders and Researchers in Northwestern Switzerland (European Research & Innovation Programmes)
    Head of Unit, Vice Rectorate for Research, University of Basel
  • 4 years – PhD in Climate Research and DAS in Environmental Sciences
  • 12 years – Project Manager in renowned consulting engineering Companies
  • Many man-years – voluntary work
  • Married, father of two adult children

Detailed information: My LinkedIn Profile

My minute video The future begins … now!



Already after a few sessions, you – the coachee – have achieved a great deal of what is needed for further development and to reach your goals independently.

Your coach will treat you with respect and appreciation, does not judge and does not give advice, focuses awareness, uses creativity techniques and acts (in a metaphorical sense) like a catalyst.

The conversation will of course be treated confidentially in accordance with the ICF Code of Ethics.

Below, a short description of a solution-focused Brief Coaching session – from my own personal perspective:

The prerequisite is of course that you – as a coachee – have a concern that you want to tackle. This can be, for example:

  • a difficult or challenging situation,
  • a longer-term issue that moves you and is frequently on your mind,
  • or a personal goal that you want to work out through reflection.

You can prepare yourself for the session a little, because the initial question will be something like:

«What should happen in this session, so it would be worth it for you?»

Your coach, a man or a woman, will ask you many questions, listen very well, think, empathize, ask again and provide well-founded, appreciative feedback.

The coaching conversation, which also has playful and creative aspects, will deal with the present and above all with the desired future.

An important tool is developing a wide variety of changes in perspectives, which soon leads to small variations in behavior. These are perceptible not only for you, but also for your others in your social world, thereby leading to further changes.

Your coach assumes that you are the expert on yourself and that you have many resources and abilities that you can use. It is often the case that these have been neglected or forgotten and can be reactivated through coaching.

Your coach will also practise an art of non-knowledge and, so giving you neither advice nor instructions, because what you have discovered or worked out yourself is the best way to actually reach your goals.

The discovery of solutions is a central and at the same time exciting task, because we usually don’t find solutions with the same thought patterns that have led to the problem. In conversations, this shows in statements such as:

  • Just now, I realize that …
  • I’m really surprised – I’ve never thought about that …
  • I do not understand why I was disoriented – it’s really clear to me now …

We call them eye-openers or simply openers.

One reason for the effectiveness of Brief Coaching is that the expert conversation – through newly learned and self-reinforcing effects – produces lasting impact.

Of course, the art of solution-focused Brief Coaching contains many more interesting aspects – you are welcome to discover them yourself in your personal setting.

Coaching cannot replace therapeutic treatment and is therefore not suitable for people who are in a psychologically unstable phase.

I am happy to provide information on this question, free of charge.

Simply send an SMS with the text «Short talk» to 079 640 70 03. I will call you as soon as possible.

  • Brief Coaching. A Solution Focused Approach. Chris Iveson, Evan George, Harvey Ratner. 2012
  • Coaching – erfrischend einfach. Einführung ins lösungsorientierte Kurzzeitcoaching. Daniel Meier, Peter Szabo. 2008
  • Kurz(zeit)coaching mit Langzeitwirkung. Peter Szabó und Insoo Kim Berg. 2006


  • Gewaltfreie Kommunikation – Eine Sprache des Lebens. Marshall B. Rosenberg. 2001 / 12. Auflage 2016


  • How to solve it. A new aspect of mathematical method. George Polya. 1945 [This work of classic heuristics deals with the teaching and characterization of problem-solving strategies]




Brief Coaching

Tariffs for private individuals – self-declaration in conversation


Basic Quotation

  • 1st Session: Fr. 40.–
  • Following Sessions: Fr. 60.–


Double Quotation

    • 1st Session: Fr. 80.–
    • Following Sessions: Fr. 120.–


Triple Quotation

  • 1st Session: Fr. 120.–
  • Following Sessions: Fr. 180.–


Book your Coaching Session online

«Coaching – something for me?» I am happy to provide information on this question, free of charge. Simply send an SMS with the text «Short talk» to 079 640 70 03. I will call you as soon as possible.


Just a few clicks to the coaching appointment. Please consider:

  • A session lasts 60 to 90 minutes.
  • It usually takes place in my meeting room. On request, the session can also be carried out in other rooms, as outdoor coaching or by telephone/video.
  • You will receive a booking confirmation by e-mail and – prior to the session – a friendly reminder by e-mail and SMS.
  • A session can be postponed or cancelled online up to three days before the appointment (via the link in the booking confirmation).

I’m looking forward to our coaching conversation!


News & Links


Kamber Coaching & Consulting

Office Address

Klybeck-Areal, Building K-104, Room 1.18, Kleinhünigerstr. 1, Basel

Mail Address

Dr. Kurt J. Kamber, Ruchholzstr. 41, 4103 Bottmingen

E-Mail Address